美國亞歷桑那大學 光學博士
Main Research:
Tumor Detection in Nuclear Medicine
Micro-PET/SPECT/CT, FT/CT, and Dental CBCT
Hybrid Imaging System Development (micro-PET/CT, FT/CT)
Image Quality Assessment and Improvement
Image Processing and Image Quality Analysis
Micro PET/SPECT/CT Molecular and Genetic Imaging
Human and micro-PET/MRI (7T)
AI in Medical Imaging
Past Five Years and Current Research Topics
Image Reconstruction (FBP, ML-EM, OS-EM, MAP-EM etc.)
Image Corrections (RC, SC, PVC, AC, MC)
Image Registration/Fusion (PET/MRI, CT/MRI, PET/CT, SPECT/CT)
Image Rendering (3D MIP, SR, VR)
Quantitation/Tracer Kinetic Modeling
Image Segmentation (Snake, GVF, ASM)
Statistical Image Analysis (SPM, FA, PCA, ICA, ROC)
Image Calibrations (μPET, μSPECT, μCT, dental CT, IDTS)
Future Research Directions: Functional Molecular Imaging
PET & SPECT Transporter/Receptor Neuroimaging
Hybrid Imaging Applications (PET/CT, SPECT/CT, PET/MRI)
Multimodality Small Animal Image Quality Improvement (PET/SPECT/CT)
Translational Medical Imaging for Precision Medicine
In-room PET/CT for Proton Therapy
Computer Aided Detection & Diagnosis (CAD) via Deep Learning
碩士班 (入學年度)
1. 管子葳-元培科大醫放系畢業(106)
2. 謬佩恩-高雄醫學大學醫放系畢業(106)
3. 張芷瑋-銘傳大學醫工系畢業(108)
4. 李嘉倪-陽明大學醫放系畢業(108)
5. 許甯筑-陽明大學醫放系畢業(108)
6. 黃玉晴-陽明大學醫放系畢業(108)
7. 李怡茹-義守大學影像暨放射科學系畢業(110)
8. 林暐哲-中臺科大醫放系畢業(110)
博士班 (入學年度)
1. 周文祥-元智大學資工所畢業(104)
2. 田蕙如-陽明大學醫放所畢業(106)
3. Kishore Krish-Bharathiar University(106)
辦公室 : 實驗大樓 B306室 電話:(02)2826-7282(office)
電子信箱 :jyhcheng2010@gmail.com / jyhcheng@nycu.edu.tw
諮詢時間 : 週三 14:00 ~ 16:00
個人網站 :生醫影像物理與儀器實驗室
實驗室:(02)2826-7000 #65527、#65806、#66361